The Tekkit Classic Wiki


The materials section isn't correct. First off, it takes more gold than that. MV Transformers use two gold wires each, you get 12 wires from three ingots & since you need 8 MV Solar Arrays to build one hv solar array, you need 16 gold wires which means you need at least six gold ingots (not 4).  Plus, I find that you can cut the time requirement by using iron furnaces made from a furnace & 5 iron ingots rather than a furnace & a machine block (for generators) & when doing it that way, I was left with a lot of extra refined iron (post following this wiki's advice & preproducing 81 stacks of the stuff, which is way more than you actually need).   There were a few other potential mistakes in the math, but I was kind of throwing it to the wind once I got the rubber, coal dust, & refined iron out of the way.  Everything else can be condensed & early on, the best way to go about getting the rubber & refined iron without wasting a bunch of time is by using a ton regular furnaces (like a stack or more) & a bunch of macerators (Ten or so)...  got to go to work, kind of rushed this topic. Lawstubes (talk) 11:36, January 3, 2013 (UTC)
